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Articles by Gianluca De Feo

All the cross-border trains in Europe

04/09/2024 -  Gianluca De FeoLorenzo Ferrari

For over two years, activist Jon Worth has documented the state of rail connections between different European countries by taking hundreds of trains in every corner of the continent. We interviewed him

Europa, meno strade e più ferrovie?

22/08/2024 -  Gianluca De Feo

Per decenni l’UE e i governi nazionali hanno preferito investire sulle infrastrutture per il trasporto su gomma rispetto a quelle ferroviarie. Con il Green Deal questa tendenza dovrebbe invertirsi, ma non è chiaro quando avverrà davvero

More green hydrogen for the Alpine region

01/08/2024 -  Gianluca De Feo

From Slovenia to France, passing through Trentino: the AMETHyST project promotes the production and use of green hydrogen in the Alpine regions. An experience of transnational cooperation oriented towards energy transition and innovation

Arbër Agalliu and Italians without citizenship

27/06/2024 -  Gianluca De Feo

The Italian-Albanian activist Arbër Agalliu has been advocating for more than a decade for a reform of the obsolete Italian citizenship law, which not only makes life impossible for aspiring Italian citizens, but also makes many young people feel like foreigners in their own country. Our interview

Jared Kushner nei Balcani, investimenti controversi

28/03/2024 -  Gianluca De Feo

Il genero di Donald Trump intende investire oltre un miliardo di dollari in tre mega progetti immobiliari tra Serbia e Albania, due dei quali su terreni di proprietà statale. Le trattative poco trasparenti tra Kushner, Vučić e Rama hanno già fatto partire accuse di corruzione e conflitto di interessi

Gli aiuti degli Stati Uniti all’Ucraina potrebbero essere a rischio

04/12/2023 -  Gianluca De Feo

Per la prima volta dall’invasione russa, la maggior parte dei cittadini statunitensi è contraria all’invio di aiuti a Kyiv. Il supporto all’Ucraina mostra crepe non indifferenti anche al Congresso e potrebbe essere definitivamente compromesso in vista delle presidenziali del 2024

In Europa viaggiare in treno costa il doppio che viaggiare in aereo

06/09/2023 -  Gianluca De Feo

Un recente studio di Greenpeace conferma che viaggiare in aereo è spesso molto più economico che viaggiare in treno. La colpa ricade principalmente sulle compagnie aeree low cost (e sui governi che ne agevolano l’azione), che con pratiche scorrette scaricano costi ambientali, economici e sociali su lavoratori e cittadini

Balcani occidentali, centrali a carbone sempre più inquinanti

19/07/2023 -  Gianluca De Feo

Nonostante la dichiarata necessità di invertire la rotta per salvaguardare ambiente e salute pubblica, le grandi e ormai datate centrali a carbone dei Balcani occidentali hanno inquinato di più nel 2022 che nel 2021

The most popular figures in the street names of European capitals

09/03/2023 -  Gianluca De Feo

We have compiled a ranking of the 100 men and women that appear most frequently in the toponyms of 15 European capitals. There’s a lot of saints and white men from the 19th and 20th century, but there’s also quite a few actresses and female Nobel laureates

South East Europe: investments in innovation are not enough

14/07/2022 -  Gianluca De Feo

Within the EU, the Balkan countries are among those that invest less in research and innovation. European funds make a positive contribution, but the gap with the rest of Europe still tends to widen. The reasons are manifold

Cohesion funds in Bulgaria in 2014-2020

07/05/2022 -  Ornaldo GjergjiGianluca De Feo

Between 2014 and 2020, Bulgaria received around 4 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data

Cohesion funds in Cyprus in 2014-2020

07/05/2022 -  Ornaldo GjergjiGianluca De Feo

Between 2014 and 2020, Cyprus received just over 400 million Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data

Ukraine: how many refugees are there in the European Union – and where?

26/04/2022 -  Gianluca De Feo

Since the beginning of the war, many Ukrainians – but also Russians – have been seeking refuge in the countries of the European Union. Where are they going, and which are the countries that already hosted the largest Ukrainian communities?

Integration of migrants in European rural areas also means development

02/11/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

The MATILDE research project recently published its first report, in which it aims to offer an alternative view of migration in Europe’s rural and mountain areas.

Sustainability labels and the carbon footprint of foods

29/10/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

If the European Union really wants to meet its Green Deal targets, food related emissions must be curbed. To that end, the introduction of "traffic light" sustainability labels could convince Europeans to cut down on their meat consumption.

More trains, fewer emissions

27/10/2021 -  Lorenzo FerrariGianluca De Feo

Currently, trains offer a reasonable alternative to around half of the most popular short-haul flights in Europe. Additional improvements and incentives could bring further reductions in CO2 emissions from transport.

Unemployment and inequalities: the pandemic penalises the youngest

02/09/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

High unemployment rates, increasingly apparent inequalities, and the digital divide. In the WB6, the crisis risks leaving young people behind and provoking a new wave of migration, but it could also offer new opportunities to revive economies

The pandemic and young people in the Balkans

26/08/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

The Covid-19 restrictive measures in the Balkans risk putting young people – a segment of the population that has been in constant demographic decline for years – in even more difficulty. A look at the pandemic and the state of the vaccination campaign in the Balkans for the youngest population

EU and climate change: a lot of funds, few results

06/07/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

As part of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Union spent 100 billion Euros to combat climate change between 2014 and 2020. But these funds, which make up half of the entire EU budget earmarked for the fight against climate change, have not led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Four ways of looking at European cross-border rail links

12/04/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

According to absolute numbers, Central Europe can count on the most cross-border train connections on the continent. What happens, however, if we take into account the length of each country’s borders and their population sizes?